

(Nandrolone CycloHexylPropionate)

Sanabolicum occupies a unique place among anabolic steroids, being well-regarded for its Nandrolone base yet distinguished by its specific ester linkage, which sets it apart from the widely known Deca Durabolin. Despite this, the distinct ester does not alter the steroid’s fundamental action but rather affects the timing of its release into the body.

Within certain bodybuilding communities, there’s a heightened interest in Sanabolicum as a preferable Nandrolone variant, though this fascination is more rooted in lore than in empirical evidence. Comparatively, on a dose-for-dose basis, Sanabolicum is expected to offer benefits akin to those of Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin) or Nandrolone Cypionate (Dynabol), with no significant distinction in their effects or the therapeutic advantages they provide. The primary difference lies in their half-lives, with Sanabolicum’s duration falling between the two. Essentially, choosing Sanabolicum over other Nandrolone forms does not confer any superior enhancement in muscle development or recovery benefits.

Properties of Sanabolicum

Understanding Sanabolicum begins with recognizing its core component, Nandrolone, a hormone derivative of testosterone altered by the absence of a carbon atom at the 19th position. This modification categorizes it as a 19-nortestosterone (19-nor) anabolic steroid, enhancing its anabolic properties while significantly reducing its androgenicity compared to testosterone. Sanabolicum stands out with an anabolic rating of 125 and an androgenic rating of 37, illustrating its stronger anabolic and weaker androgenic effects relative to testosterone, which maintains a balanced rating of 100 in both areas.

A distinctive feature of Sanabolicum (Nandrolone) is its metabolic pathway; it converts to dihydronandrolone (DHN) rather than dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a transformation that contributes to its lesser androgenic nature. Furthermore, its structure leads to a lower aromatization rate, about 20% of that of testosterone, making it less likely to convert to estrogen. Unlike testosterone, however, Nandrolone acts as a progestin, adding another layer to its distinct profile.

Sanabolicum’s value extends beyond its basic characteristics, offering numerous benefits across both medical and performance enhancement realms. Medically, it shows promise in supporting treatments for:

  • Burn victims
  • HIV & AIDS
  • Various muscle-wasting conditions
  • Geriatric weakness
  • Anemia
  • Ulcers
  • Adolescent dwarfism
  • Osteoporosis
  • Anti-aging efforts

In the realm of performance enhancement, Sanabolicum’s direct functions are pivotal, fostering:

  • An increase in red blood cell count
  • Improved nitrogen retention in muscles
  • A higher rate of protein synthesis
  • Enhanced collagen synthesis
  • Boosted bone mineral content
  • Elevated IGF-1 production
  • Reduction in glucocorticoids

These attributes not only highlight Sanabolicum’s potential for supporting health and recovery in medical scenarios but also its capacity to aid athletes and bodybuilders in achieving enhanced performance and faster recovery from intense physical activity.

Effects of Sanabolicum

Sanabolicum’s impact on athletes aiming for performance enhancement is multifaceted, with muscle growth being its foremost benefit. Recognized as one of the most effective steroids for off-season or bulking phases, Nandrolone facilitates significant lean muscle development. While the process requires effort and sufficient caloric intake, the gains achieved are more pronounced and come with a lower fat increase compared to non-steroid-enhanced growth, thanks to an improved metabolic rate induced by the hormone.

During cutting phases, although not typically associated with fat reduction, Sanabolicum proves beneficial for its muscle preservation qualities. Dieting often risks lean muscle loss alongside fat; Sanabolicum helps protect this hard-earned muscle mass, ensuring minimal degradation.

Beyond muscle building and preservation, Sanabolicum offers invaluable benefits for recovery, joint comfort, and muscular endurance. These qualities are particularly beneficial for athletes in sports requiring high functionality, as well as weightlifters who endure significant physical stress. Recovery is crucial for progress; without sufficient recovery, even the most rigorous training and diet plans may fall short of their potential. Sanabolicum aids in ensuring a thorough and efficient recovery process, helping athletes achieve their performance goals more effectively.

Side Effects

While Sanabolicum is among the more user-friendly anabolic steroids, especially for men, awareness and management of its potential side effects are crucial for safe use. Understanding these side effects enables users to mitigate risks effectively.

Estrogenic Concerns: Sanabolicum may lead to estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, and potentially elevated blood pressure due to water retention. Its ability to aromatize, though less pronounced than testosterone, can contribute to estrogenic effects. It also acts as a progestin, which can further influence these side effects. Using Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) like Letrozole can help manage these risks. Additionally, Sanabolicum can increase prolactin levels, which may require the use of dopamine agonists like Cabergoline for management, especially to address related erectile dysfunction.

Androgenic Effects: While the risk is lower due to its conversion to DHN rather than DHT, androgenic effects such as hair loss (in those predisposed to male pattern baldness), acne, and body hair growth can occur. Women may experience virilization effects, though Nandrolone is less likely to cause these than many other steroids. It’s noteworthy that 5-alpha reductase inhibitors will not mitigate Sanabolicum’s androgenicity and may even increase it.

Cardiovascular Risks: Sanabolicum can affect cholesterol levels, posing a risk to cardiovascular health, particularly concerning HDL cholesterol. Maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle is vital when using this steroid.

Testosterone Suppression: All anabolic steroids, including Sanabolicum, suppress natural testosterone production. Comprehensive suppression is certain with Sanabolicum, necessitating the use of exogenous testosterone during cycles to prevent low testosterone conditions. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is advised to aid recovery of natural testosterone production, although recovery is not guaranteed and depends on the individual’s baseline health and adherence to PCT protocols.

Liver Impact: Unlike many oral anabolic steroids, Sanabolicum is not hepatotoxic and does not pose a risk to liver health.

Proper usage, understanding potential side effects, and implementing preventative measures are key to maximizing benefits while minimizing risks associated with Sanabolicum use.

Dosage and administration

Administering Sanabolicum involves intramuscular injections due to its formulation as an injectable anabolic steroid. Its pharmacokinetics showcase a half-life of approximately 13 days, indicating that a once-weekly injection schedule is sufficient to maintain steady blood levels, crucial for its efficacy and the reduction of side effects. However, individual preferences and responses can vary; some users might opt for a bi-weekly regimen, dividing the total weekly dosage into two smaller doses to ensure even more stable blood concentrations throughout the week.

The dosage range for Sanabolicum is quite broad, spanning from 100mg to 600mg per week, tailored to the user’s specific goals and tolerance. Therapeutic applications, aimed at leveraging the healing and recovery-enhancing properties of Sanabolicum, typically require lower doses, generally between 100mg and 200mg per week. Such dosages are effective in significantly enhancing recovery times, aiding in relief from joint pain, and facilitating healing processes without necessarily pushing towards performance enhancement.

For individuals targeting performance enhancement and more substantial muscle growth, dosages tend to be higher. The standard dosage for achieving performance-related goals usually falls within the 300mg to 400mg per week range. This dosage level is considered effective for most users, providing a notable increase in muscle mass, strength, and endurance, while also benefiting from the anabolic steroid’s therapeutic effects such as improved joint health and recovery capabilities.


Sanabolicum and Deca Durabolin, both based on the Nandrolone steroid, offer similar benefits for muscle growth and recovery. There’s no significant difference in how well they work or their side effects. Essentially, choosing between Sanabolicum and Deca Durabolin comes down to personal preference or availability, as neither is superior to the other in effectiveness. Both are reliable options for those looking to enhance their physique and performance with Nandrolone’s help.