Agovirin Depot (Testosterone Isobutyrate)

Product Description:

Agovirin Depot can be difficult to inject

Agovirin Depot, also known as testosterone isobutyrate, is a form of testosterone suspended in a water-based solution without the addition of esters, making it relatively fast-acting.

While Agovirin Depot shares similarities with testosterone suspension due to the absence of esters, their pharmacokinetics vary significantly. Testosterone suspension, lacking any retarding agent, necessitates daily or twice-daily administration for optimal efficacy. Agovirin Depot, on the other hand, incorporates microcrystalline additives that mimic the effects of esters. These crystals exhibit minimal water solubility, thereby delaying the release of free testosterone into the bloodstream. Consequently, Agovirin Depot offers a slower release compared to testosterone suspension and propionate but is slightly faster than testosterone cypionate and enanthate.

Steroid Presentation:

Agovirin Depot typically comes in boxes containing five ampules, with each ampule holding 2 ml of solution. The concentration is 25 mg/ml of testosterone mixed in a water-based crystalline solution. Due to its water-based nature, the steroid and water tend to separate upon standing, necessitating thorough shaking to ensure proper suspension of the drug for accurate dosing.


Let’s explore the history and purpose of this compound to understand its background. Injectable testosterone isobutyrate in microcrystal suspension form was introduced in the early 1950s to offer a slower-acting option compared to popular formulations like testosterone suspension or propionate.

However, with the later introduction of the enanthate ester, this concept became obsolete as the “E” ester quickly became the dominant form of testosterone.

Today, Testosterone isobutyrate (Agovirin Depot) is produced by Biotika in Eastern Europe. It is mainly used to treat conditions such as low androgen levels in males, anemia, Cushings syndrome, and delayed puberty in adolescents.

Agovirin Depot is released at a slower rate

With the historical context in mind, let’s delve into what sets this compound apart. The Isobutyrate ester of this testosterone variant is water-based, similar to suspension. However, their modes of action differ significantly. While suspension acts swiftly but has a short duration, necessitating daily injections, Testosterone isobutyrate boasts a much slower release rate, requiring injections only every 1-2 weeks.

Needles are large

Agovirin Depot features a unique design distinct from traditional oil-based ester testosterone formulations. Essentially, upon intramuscular injection, the microcrystalline suspension forms a depot within the muscle, akin to regular testosterone, from which it gradually dissolves and releases into the bloodstream. However, due to the density of the crystals, the solution requires a slower injection process. The manufacturer recommends using a larger needle, up to 21 gauge, which can be excessively painful, causing redness and irritation. Opting for a slower and steadier injection rate with a standard needle size (23 or 25 gauge) would be a more preferable approach.

Side Effects

Testosterone isobutyrate shares common side effects with other forms of testosterone. A primary concern is aromatization into estrogen, which can be mitigated with an aromatase inhibitor (AI). Failure to address this may lead to side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, bloating, as well as related issues like insomnia and high blood pressure.

Moreover, typical androgenic side effects may occur, including changes in aggression, libido, and lipid levels. Utilizing a supportive supplement like N2Guard can help alleviate these effects.

Additionally, as with any anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), exogenous hormones will suppress natural testosterone production, necessitating a proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) regimen after discontinuation to restore normal hormone function.

Agovirin Depot uses and cycles

Users can anticipate typical gains in mass and strength associated with testosterone. For mass gains, options include stacking with compounds like Trenbolone, Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, or Equipoise. Alternatively, Agovirin Depot can serve as the testosterone base in any steroid stack. Throughout the cycle, it’s imperative to use an aromatase inhibitor such as aromasin.


Due to its slow-acting nature, Testosterone Isobutyrate has a lengthy half-life of approximately 15 days.


One challenge with Testosterone isobutyrate (Agovirin Depot) is that to achieve optimal results, dosage must fall within the same range as other testosterone formulations—between 250-1000 mg per week. However, since the ampules contain small amounts of milligrams per milliliter, users will need to administer multiple injections in different muscles with thick needles every few days to fully exploit the compound’s benefits. Understandably, this can be burdensome, painful, and inconvenient. Consequently, Testosterone Isobutyrate has not gained popularity in bodybuilding circles.


Hard Data

Chemical Composition

Testosterone base + Enanthate Ester
Molecular Weight: 358.51
Formula (base): C23H34O3
Melting Point (base): 155
Manufacturer: Various
Effective Dose (Men): 300-2000 mg+/week
Effective Dose (Women): Not recommended
Half-Life: 15 Days
Detection Time: 3 Months
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 100/100