Emdabol (Thiomesterone)

Description: Emdabol, also known as thiomesterone, is a potent derivative of the anabolic steroid testosterone. This steroid, although not widely known, possesses a unique modification called c-17alpha alkylation. This alteration allows the drug to pass through the liver and enter the bloodstream without deactivation, making it suitable for oral administration. Despite its impressive anabolic rating of 456, similar to Halotestin, its real-world effects are more akin to Winstrol and Anavar in potency.


Form: Emdabol, alongside other versions of thiomesterone, is no longer produced commercially or by underground labs. When available, it typically came in tablet form with dosages of 2.5, 5, and 10 mg.


Indications/Purpose: Primarily used in bodybuilding and athletics, Emdabol works by boosting testosterone levels. This increase leads to significant gains in muscle size and strength by promoting muscle fiber growth and protecting existing muscle from breakdown. Additionally, testosterone enhances red blood cell production, improving endurance and recovery from strenuous activities. Typical dosage for men ranges from 15 to 25 mg per day for 6 to 8 weeks, while women are advised to take 5 mg per day for 4 to 6 weeks.

Its not commonly used by bodybuilders

Emdabol, is not commonly used in bodybuilding or athletic circles. While it is an anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) and theoretically could be used for purposes such as muscle building and performance enhancement, it does not have the same level of popularity or recognition as other AAS compounds.

In bodybuilding and athletics, individuals typically gravitate towards more well-known and widely available AAS compounds with established reputations for effectiveness, safety (relatively speaking), and availability. Compounds like testosterone, nandrolone, methandrostenolone (Dianabol), trenbolone, and various forms of synthetic testosterone derivatives (e.g., testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate) are more commonly used in these communities.

The limited use of Thiomesterone in bodybuilding may be due to several factors:

  1. Availability: Thiomesterone may not be as readily available on the black market or through underground sources compared to other AAS compounds.
  2. Popularity and Recognition: Bodybuilders often prefer using compounds that have been well-studied, widely used, and proven effective over time. Thiomesterone’s lack of widespread use and limited anecdotal evidence may contribute to its lesser popularity.
  3. Legality and Regulation: The legal status of Thiomesterone may vary from country to country, and it may not be as widely accepted or legally accessible as other AAS compounds.
  4. Risk and Side Effects: Like all AAS compounds, Thiomesterone carries the risk of various side effects and health risks. Without a substantial body of research and user experience to draw from, individuals may be more hesitant to experiment with lesser-known compounds.

Side Effects

Side Effects: While Emdabol offers fewer estrogenic side effects due to its low aromatization, users may still experience androgenic effects such as oily skin, acne, and increased body hair growth. Liver toxicity is a concern, necessitating the use of liver detoxification supplements. Emdabol can also suppress natural testosterone production, requiring post-cycle therapy to restore levels.

Chemical Composition:

  • Manufacturer: Multiple
  • Effective Dose (Men): 15-25 mg/day
  • Effective Dose (Women): Not Recommended
  • Half-Life: Approximately 8-10 Hours
  • Detection Time: Unknown
  • Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 456/61