Dynabolan (nandrolone undecanoate)


Dynabolon is a unique type of nandrolone ester, known for its long-lasting oil-based injectable steroid. Its effects typically last for about three to four weeks, similar to Deca-Durabolin. Dynabolon releases slowly due to its longer carbon chain. Athletes usually get injections twice a week.

Dynabolan, also known as nandrolone undecanoate, is a synthetic anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. It belongs to the family of nandrolone compounds, which are renowned for their potent anabolic effects and relatively low androgenic properties. Nandrolone undecanoate is characterized by its longer ester chain, which results in a slower release of the hormone into the bloodstream compared to shorter ester variants.

Low side Effects

Similar to Deca-Durabolin, Dynobolan, a nandrolone compound, can yield significant muscle mass gains over extended cycles, such as a 12-week duration. Side effects are minimal, particularly when administered at doses of approximately 400 mg per week or lower. While potential side effects associated with nandrolones, such as acne, water retention, impotence, and hair loss, may occur with Dynobolan usage, they are infrequent and mild with prudent dosing.

Its good for bulking and protecting joints

Dynabolan is valued for its ability to promote muscle growth, enhance strength, and improve overall athletic performance. It is commonly used in bodybuilding and athletic circles, often in bulking cycles to stimulate lean muscle mass gains. Additionally, Dynabolan is appreciated for its potential to support joint health and alleviate pain associated with intense physical activity or injury, making it popular among athletes engaged in rigorous training regimens.

As with all anabolic steroids, Dynabolan is not without risks, and its use may be associated with various side effects, including those related to androgenic activity such as acne, hair loss, and virilization in women. Furthermore, like other nandrolone compounds, Dynabolan may suppress natural testosterone production, necessitating the implementation of post-cycle therapy to restore hormonal balance.

Its similar to Deca Durabolin

This steroid closely resembles Deca in appearance. It’s worth noting that its metabolism is effective, resulting in fewer side effects for users. Estrogen conversion is similar to that of nandrolone, so associated side effects are typically minor. Some users may experience minimal water retention, muscle smoothness, and bloating, similar to Deca-Durabolin. Rarely, men may experience breast development, possibly due to individual estrogen sensitivity. To reduce this risk, additional medications like Nolvadex and/or Proviron can be added if needed.

Less Frequent injections with Dynabolan

Due to its longer ester chain, Dynabolan typically requires less frequent dosing compared to shorter-acting steroids, with injections administered at intervals ranging from once a week to once every few weeks, depending on individual preferences and goals.

Androgenic Vs Anabolic properties

Dynabolan, or nandrolone undecanoate, exhibits both anabolic and androgenic properties, though its profile leans more heavily towards anabolic effects compared to androgenic ones.

Dynabolon, classified as a Nandrolone hormone, boasts an anabolic rating of 125 and an androgenic rating of 37. Although its anabolic rating is marginally higher than testosterone, its lower androgenicity appeals to individuals prone to androgenic side effects. While Dynabolon exhibits moderate estrogenic activity due to aromatization, its conversion rate is only 20% that of testosterone. However, being a progestin adds to its overall estrogenic impact.

Why its less androgenic

Interestingly, nandrolone undergoes a similar transformation process to testosterone, converting into dihydrotestosterone, a more potent androgen metabolite. However, with nandrolone, the result is dihydronandrolone, a milder hormone. Dihydronandrolone is actually less potent than its parent nandrolone, meaning its activity in tissues with high concentrations of 5-alpha reductase is reduced. Therefore, compared to stronger compounds like testosterone, nandrolone esters have fewer side effects on androgen receptors.

Issues like oily skin, acne, body/facial hair growth, and hair loss are uncommon with nandrolone esters, making them well-tolerated. These preparations are also considered safe for women at low doses, as virilization symptoms are rare. However, it’s important to note that this steroid still carries the potential for developing adverse symptoms, as with all synthetic metabolic/androgen steroids. For a safer option, Durabolin, which acts faster, may be a better choice. This allows athletes better control over hormone levels in the blood, making it easier to discontinue use if issues arise.

Dynabolan has a favourable anabol to androgenic ratio

Anabolic properties refer to the ability of a substance to promote tissue growth, particularly muscle growth, by stimulating protein synthesis and reducing protein breakdown. Dynabolan is highly valued for its potent anabolic effects, making it a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes seeking to increase muscle mass and improve strength.

Moreover, Dynabolan’s anabolic properties extend beyond muscle growth to include improvements in bone density and collagen synthesis. These effects can contribute to enhanced bone strength and joint health, making Dynabolan particularly beneficial for individuals engaged in intense physical activity or recovering from injuries.

On the other hand, androgenic properties pertain to the ability of a substance to promote the development of male secondary sexual characteristics and other androgenic effects. While Dynabolan does possess some androgenic activity, it is relatively mild compared to other anabolic steroids, resulting in a lower incidence of androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss, and virilization in women.

One notable aspect of Dynabolan is its favorable anabolic-to-androgenic ratio, which indicates a higher proportion of anabolic effects relative to androgenic effects. This ratio contributes to Dynabolan’s reputation as a well-tolerated and effective steroid for promoting muscle growth and overall performance while minimizing the risk of androgenic side effects.

Benefits of Dynabolan

  • Enhanced Collagen Synthesis: Collagen, crucial for tendon, ligament, and bone strength, also plays a pivotal role in muscle connective tissue. By augmenting collagen synthesis, Dynabolon fosters improved recovery, rejuvenation, and bone mineral density, enhancing overall performance.
  • Enhanced Bone Mineral Content: Low bone mineral content heightens susceptibility to osteoporosis and fractures. Dynabolon, alongside other Nandrolone hormones, strengthens skeletal structure and may offer therapeutic potential for osteoporosis sufferers.
  • Increased IGF-1 Production: Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) boasts potent anabolic properties and is vital for recovery and cellular function. Dynabolon’s ability to raise IGF-1 levels facilitates enhanced recovery and muscle growth.
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count: Elevated red blood cell count enhances muscular endurance by improving oxygen delivery. This, coupled with enhanced recovery, creates a favorable anabolic environment, promoting performance gains.
  • Decreased Glucocorticoid Production: Reduction in glucocorticoid hormone levels, such as cortisol, mitigates muscle breakdown and fat accumulation. Dynabolon counteracts the catabolic effects of stress hormones, supporting lean muscle preservation.
  • Enhanced Protein Synthesis: Accelerated protein synthesis, the cornerstone of muscle growth, ensures efficient tissue building and preservation. Dynabolon optimizes protein utilization, fostering anabolic activity and lean tissue preservation.
  • Enhanced Nitrogen Retention: Dynabolon enhances nitrogen retention, crucial for maintaining an anabolic environment and preserving lean muscle mass. By preventing muscle breakdown, it promotes sustained performance and recovery.

Side Effects

Understanding Dynabolon's Side Effects:

1. Liver Health: Unlike some other steroids, Dynabolon doesn't put stress on the liver or cause damage to it. This means it's considered safe for the liver.

2. Effects on Estrogen: Dynabolon can lead to issues related to estrogen, which is a female hormone. In men, this can result in problems like retaining water and developing breast tissue (known as gynecomastia). However, there are medications available to counteract these effects, such as Clomid or Femara.

3. Androgenic Effects: Dynabolon can have "androgenic" effects, meaning it can cause changes associated with male hormones. This might include things like hair loss, acne, and increased body hair growth in some men. In women, it can lead to developing masculine traits like a deeper voice, enlarged clitoris, and increased body hair.

4. Heart Health: Dynabolon use may affect cardiovascular health in a couple of ways. It can raise blood pressure and impact cholesterol levels. High blood pressure and unfavorable cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease. However, managing these risks is possible through lifestyle changes such as following a heart-healthy diet, exercising regularly, and possibly using medications under medical supervision.

5. Testosterone Levels: Using Dynabolon can suppress the body's natural production of testosterone, which is an essential hormone for men's health. When natural testosterone levels drop too low, it can lead to symptoms like fatigue, low libido, and mood changes. After stopping Dynabolon, testosterone levels typically recover over time, but it might take a while. To speed up this process and ensure overall health, individuals might undergo a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) regimen, which involves using specific medications to stimulate natural testosterone production.


The effect of Dynabolan on anabolic activity is mainly attributed to its role as an off-season filler. It’s widely regarded as one of the best bulking agents available, but its benefits extend beyond mere muscle growth. Nandrolone hormones, including Dynabolan, are favored by many athletes seeking to enhance muscle endurance and resilience, even without significant gains in lean tissue. Dynabolan’s influence is particularly evident in recovery, allowing muscles to endure prolonged exertion without fatigue. Moreover, its healing properties enable athletes to perform at higher levels, facilitating genuine progress during training and performance.